This database is a catalogue of the works in the Villa Perochon collection within the Photographic Art Library.

The purpose of the present conditions is to regulate the use of the photographic visuals and other forms of media present in this database named "Photographic Art Library" of the Centre d'art contemporain photographique d'intérêt national - la Villa Pérochon.


Only users who have requested the creation of an account by agreeing to provide information and by filling in the requested sections and after having read and accepted the general conditions of use are entitled to access this site.

Non-acceptance of the general conditions of use will not allow the user to continue with the creation of his/her account and to access the database.

The Villa Pérochon - CACP reserves the right to validate the creation of a user account. Once this validation has been carried out, the user's account will be created and the user will receive a confirmation of registration by e-mail. The Villa Pérochon - CACP reserves the right to close any account where the information provided by the user concerned appears to be erroneous, incorrect or expired.

The user is responsible for preserving the confidentiality of his/her login information and is not entitled to distribute this information or to allow others to use it to access the database.

The user shall take all necessary and useful measures to prevent any third party from accessing his/her information and shall inform the Villa Pérochon - CACP of any unauthorised access or the need to update or prohibit access.


The personal data provided by the user when opening an account is kept in the Villa Pérochon - CACP's administrator file for the sole purpose of managing access to the Photographic Art Library database.

The data collected is as follows: surname, first name, company or organisation, user categories, e-mail address, telephone number and intended use. It is kept for up to 36 months from the last connection of the user.

At any time, the user has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him/her, in accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act n°78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended by the European Regulation n°2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

In order to exercise this right, the user can carry out several actions (deletion of the account and request for access to the data collected) from the "My account" section of the Photographic Art Library database.


The creation of a user account allows the consultation of the Photographic Art Library catalogue. The user can make a selection of works in order to prepare his/her visit to the Photographic Art Library with a view to borrowing one or more works. The user will find his/her selection in his/her "basket".

However, the user is not authorised to download or reproduce the photographic images, Irrespective of the intended use.


Any use that does not comply with these conditions may be subject to legal action by the author of the visual(s) concerned or his/her beneficiaries, against the user, before the competent courts.

The Villa Pérochon - CACP reserves the right to take any measure against a user due to illicit use of the visuals by the latter (which may lead to a ban on access to the Photographic Art Library database).